Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Question

It's not a question that I expect anyone to answer. It's just something that's always bugged me - even as a kid. It doesn't mean much to me anymore because I know that Jesus probably wasn't really born on December 25th, but nevertheless, it is still a curiosity.

Christmas is the day we've chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus, right?
But why do all of the Christmas Eve pageants, programs and festivities have Jesus being born on Christmas Eve? 
We don't celebrate our birthdays on the day after we were born. If we did, then on June 14, 2023 someone might say, "Sixty-three years ago yesterday John was born. Let's celebrate today!"

Yeah, I know. 
I'm probably just weird and nobody else ever thought about it like that.
Or maybe some of you have...?


1 comment:

MarkD60 said...

I thought he was actually born in May or something.