Monday, December 12, 2022

Beloved Bad-Ass

It's two days before her 85th birthday and I should probably wait to post it, but I'm writing it now because it is what I'm thinking about this morning, I do not know anyone that is loved by everyone like my mom is.

A couple of years ago, my daughter-in-law made the comment about my mom that she (Mom) is the nicest person she's ever known. Mom's response: I'm tired of everybody thinking I'm so nice. I want to be a bad-ass!
I bought her a necklace that says she's a bad-ass. Others have bought her t-shirts and socks proclaiming her as a bad-ass, and she embraces her title even if she is unable to pull off and embody the real character of a bad-ass. One of my highschool classmates and lifetime friends says she's the sweetest bad-ass to ever live.

Distant relatives stay in touch with her. Grandkids vie for her to come visit their distant homes or travel long distances to visit with her. Neighbors miss her dearly when she is visiting family, and even strangers seem drawn to invite her to travel or to care for her when she is out and about.
I talk to her just about every day and it is truly one of those things that just lifts my spirit. 

I think that anyone that knows her well would agree that her strong and persistant faith is what shapes and defines her character. Her love and compassion for others is born out of her deep love and relationship with God. To most of the world she is Leticia. To family she is usually Mom, Aunt Bebe, Tita Bebe, Grandma, Lola, or Great-grandma. 
My oldest brother once asked the question - Is there anyone as beloved as our mom?
The answer is - No, there isn't.

She may like to think of heself as a bad-ass and we may indulge her with gifts and humor her idea, but nobody would ever truly think she is in any way mean-spirited much less a bad-ass.
Although the 14th is her birthday, it will be sometime on the 13th that she reaches 85 years on planet Earth due to her birth in the Philippines and the International Dateline thing. 
The world is a better place for her presence in it.
If you know her, you are probably a better person just for having met her.

I'm lousy at sending birthday cards. The best you can hope for is a Facebook wish or a text message. 
This is my birthday card substitute for Mom.
...And it's early!

Happy birthday, Mom
I love you.


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