Sunday, November 20, 2022

Sunday Drive

Time in the car is getting to be a familiar thing. Six+ hours on Wednesday and Thursday, and another six hours yesterday and six more today. Personally, I would have made the 12 hours to Colorado Springs in a single day. Maybe on the way home next week. On the way home, we'll lose an hour, so we'd need an early start, and I realize that not everyone is as comfortable on an all-day car trip.
...Or getting up early.
No worries. I'm pretty easy about such things.

Depending on the sunlight, I may add a post while riding in the car since Chris is doing the driving. Maybe not. I thought about it yesterday, but the computer was packed in the back. I may keep it with me today. Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing the kids today.

Be well.
Enjoy your Sunday.


1 comment:

Mike said...

Have fun!