Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Good Vibrations

As I've gotten older I've become more sensitive to the energies that people put out. There are some people that I just like being around. They have a good, attractive energy. 
There are others that are more like magnets that repel one another. I won't say that it is bad energy, more like incompatible energy.
And I think there are even energy suckers - those people that drain the energy and life from those around them.
And then there is everything in between.

I think if we could see the vibrations that people put out, we would find that we either like or don't like each other based on the compatibility of our frequencies - kind of like musical notes that either blend into harmony or make a discordant noise.
And maybe I shouldn't say that we dislike people with incompatible frequencies. We just aren't as attracted to them in ways that make us want to be around them as much as others.

I think that more sensitive people can see or sense the harmony between friends or couples. I think family units can make great harmony and be very close or be dispersed because of the disharmony of their energies. Could understanding frequency differences and bringing in a third person or energy help to bring harmony in our relationships with others?

I don't know.
These are just thoughts I've had for a while.

I'm thinking about them this morning because I was reflecting on the time I spent with friends over the weekend. These were a couple of my childhood buddies that I grew up with but lost connection to as time, distance, and life paths separated us. I have really enjoyed getting together with these old friends over the past couple of years.
It was fun. There was a great energy from everyone. I came away from the night feeling enegized and good. I can still sense the good energy from our get-together even though it has been a few days.

I'm no expert on auras or energies of people. I cannot see the auras that surround us, but I can usually sense when people are closed off or more open. I think there are lots of people that try to disguise themselves (at least their true selves) - some from shame, some out of deceit and bad motivations. Over the years I think I've found the most fake people in churches that I've gone to. I'm not saying that they are bad people. I just feel like they are uncomfortable being themselves in those environments.
Who can blame them?

Just some weird stuff that floats around in my head.

It's November 1st and the first day of what has traditionally been National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo). I don't know if it still is or not. Nor do I know if I'll be posting every day of the month or not. 
I'll try posting more often - just because I enjoy it most of the time, but I'm not going to pressure myself into posting every day and I'm not going to freak out over missing a day or two.

Happy November!


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