Wednesday, November 02, 2022

A Love/Hate Relationship

I'm wondering about Love vs. Hate.
Yeah, I'm wondering about the relationship between love and hate -- not the love/hate kind of thing where you both love and hate the same thing or person, but I'm wondering why it is so much easier to spread hate than it is to spread love.

Obviously it is way easier to ignore someone or someone's need than it is to do something.
Is indifference the same thing as hate? Is not helping someone the same as hurting them?
Maybe indifference isn't the same as hating, but it certainly seems to create a breeding ground for hate to fester and grow. Maybe indifference is a kind of passive hate rather than the active hate of actually doing harm to someone. 
It seems that there is way too much of both today.

It doesn't seem like kind, loving words would be more difficult to share than harsh, hateful ones, but we see and hear far too few kind words while being bombarded with hateful and demeaning words.
What would happen if we were all more purposeful about sharing loving words and kind actions?
What would happen if we were less indifferent and more involved in issues of social justice?
What would happen if we all pointed out indifferent and hateful words and actions when we see them?
What would happen if we stopped sharing hateful tweets/posts/memes/etc.?
What would happen if we made spreading love as natural as being indifferent or spreading hate?

Just wondering...


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