Saturday, November 04, 2017

Nov 4th, Wedding Day

It's a dreary day in the Ozarks -- overcast and foggy this morning.
The fog will clear shortly, but the skies are forecast to remain overcast throughout the day. There is no rain in the forecast and that's a good thing since the wedding I'm officiating in the early afternoon is outdoors.

As I was leaving the rehearsal last night, the groom asked me if I had any suggestions for nausea. He has seemed pretty calm so I asked him if he was starting to get nervous. He said even the rehearsal was giving him a little feeling of nausea.
My advice -- Don't eat breakfast!

I doubt that's what he was hoping for.

I'm going to enjoy my coffee and my quiet and prepare myself for spending an afternoon with people I don't know. Should be fun. Not.

Enjoy your weekend.

John <><

1 comment:

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Drink strong coffee for the occasion, John!