Saturday, November 25, 2017

Nov 25th; Every Day It's Something Stupid

The President of the United States posts (on Twitter, of course) that he deliberately passed on Time magazine's Person of the Year award for this year.

Unfortunately, Time says it doesn't quite work that way.
Undoubtedly, many of his faithful supporters will say that Time is lying (more fake news) to cover themselves for not naming him, and many others will shrug off another narcissistic lie as an insignificant alternative fact rather than a serious character flaw.

Oh! And I'll get told that I'm being hateful for posting this.
I should make up my own Time magazine cover with my face on it. Then people will think I'm important and believe me!


John <><


Mike said...

What a sad little man he is.

Justin G. said...

You were Time Magazine's Person of the Year in 2006