Saturday, November 11, 2017

Nov 11th; Veterans' Day

Happy Veterans' Day to all of you that have served our country in the military!
Thank you for your service!

This morning's post comes from the frigid region of Chicago IL.
I arrived yesterday afternoon on my motorcycle to find snow on the ground! It wasn't on the streets, but the sidewalks and grass areas still held the morning snow ... and it was cold! It will be a little warmer today and tomorrow, but still cold.

I'm going to say that a winter ride of several hundred miles might not have been my best idea, but on the other hand, it wasn't too bad. Even with the cold, I enjoyed the ride.
However, if I'm going to continue with long winter rides, I may have to invest in some better gear -- especially in good winter foot gear. It was never far below freezing and I was never really uncomfortable. All in all, the long, cold ride was no big deal.

I am looking forward to spending time with the kids today. Tomorrow's ride will be a long, cold, and possibly wet day. Eh, we'll see.

I'm having some issues with posting pictures to my blog. If I can get it figured out, I'll add one. Otherwise I'll just post my black and white to my social media sites.

John <><

1 comment:

Mike said...

When I worked on a newspaper truck standing on a metal step for hours throwing papers in the winter I never found good enough shoes or socks to keep my feet warm.