Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Nov 28th; Nothing to be Alarmed About

At the same time I retired (almost 3 years ago), my primary care physician also retired. It wasn't a case of getting handed off to another doctor in the practice since the other doctor happened to be his wife, who was also retiring. Since then, I haven't had a primary care doctor, although I've occasionally thought  about it.

I guess it's a good thing that I'm in relatively good health and haven't needed one.
But, I suppose the best time to look for such a thing is before you actually need one and so I now have a new primary care physician.

Naturally, the first thing is to schedule all of the aging man kinds of tests that have been put off for several years. The first is a fasting blood draw. So I get to have black coffee (that's the way I drink it anyway) and water this morning, but breakfast will have to wait until after the blood draw. It is a rare day that I have to set my alarm and the truth is I woke up a few minutes before it went off.

No worries. It looks like it is going to be another beautiful day in the Ozarks!

In other health news, I have managed some activity in each of the last 5 days on my way to finishing out 2017 with some type of exercise everyday. We've also cut out the sweets and junk food from the diet to get ourselves beach ready for our winter trip to the tropics.

Time to get going!
I hope you have a great, needle free day!

John <><


Mike said...

Speaking of needles, are you still doing the platelet donations?

John A Hill said...

Currently on a 12 month deferral from our last trip to the Dominican Republic.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

It sounds like a good move to scout out a primary care physician before you need one.