Monday, August 16, 2021


I'm not sure why, but I was awake early this morning. Since I wasn't falling asleep again, I decided to get up. It has been some time since I've been up before the sun and I wasn't too thrilled about seeing the constellation Orion high in the eastern sky.
Orion is a winter constellation in the Northern Hemisphere. I know winter is still four months away, but Orion's appearance this morning brings the announcement that winter is on its way. Ugh.

I took a couple of days off from doing yard work and I will be back at it today. It's a little weird that I neither mind doing it nor particularly like doing it. I guess I'd say it's more satisfying than enjoyable. I wish I had a better relationship with Mother Earth. Coaxing her to bring forth beautiful flowers and shrubs is difficult for me. As with any relationship, I need to work on understanding her a bit better. The good thing is that I don't have any deadlines nor timelines to meet. I can just work at it until I don't feel like working and then pick it up again later. The downside is that projects take much longer that way.

It's just now my normal coffee time and I've already finished my daily allotment of coffee. I'm tempted to brew another pot, but probably won't. The early sun is sporting a couple of sundogs this morning, and the finches and bluebirds are pretty active. Maybe it's time for me to get active, too. I need to have a talk with the Earth lady and see if we can't agree to get some new plants growing and supplying her bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds with some more nectar. 
My talks with nature are much more peaceful those dealing with hurricanes, earthquakes, potential tsunamis, and wildfires.

Have a great Monday!


Mike said...

Do you mow that whole five acres? You need to plant a forest back there. How about a black walnut tree farm? Your kids could be rich in 40 years.

John A Hill said...

Yes, I do.
And I do plan to plant trees.
And flowers
And a bigger garden.
Maybe put up a solar panel farm.