Friday, August 27, 2021

Book Challenge

It's a book recommendation more than a challenge, unless you are a God and country, stand-for-the-flag, big military, flag waving, patriotic, evangelical American Christian. In that case, it is more of a challenge.
And the challenge isn't just to read the book, the real challenge is to  read the book and then to examine where your true allegiance lies and to which kingdom you belong.

If you have been reading Out of My Hat for very long, you know that I have never been a God and country kind of preacher. I've never believed that God should have to share a worship service for some patriotic, flag waving ceremony or even recognition of those that have served in the military. I don't even believe that an American flag has any place in our churches, yet I dare to say that most evangelical churches proudly display the flag from the main platform and even give it the preeminent spot over the Christian flag.

Brian Zahnd's Postcards from Babylon sounds like it might be a book about Israel's Old Testament captivity in Babylon--and it is, sort of. As it turns out, the biblical story of the captivity in Babylon isn't even about the empire of Babylon. It is about how to faithfully follow God while living life in another king's empire.

Seriously, I highly recommend this book as a must read for Christ followers living in the USA. Most of my evangelical friends have long ago declared me to be a heretic and will never see this recommendation, nor would they give it any consideration if they know it comes from me. 
Read it.
Recommend it.
Share it.
Gift it.
To anyone that follows Jesus.

Although I have been following this preacher/pastor/author on Twitter for some time now, this is the first of his books that I've read. I'll be adding more to my reading list!


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