Sunday, November 26, 2023

NaBloPoMo Fail

I missed a day!
Yesterday was an unusual day. It was the first overnight shelter night of the season for me and the change in schedule and sleep and everything ended with the day passing by without blogging.

In the grand scheme of life it isn't really important. 
NaBloPoMo challenges me to write and I'm not convinced that that is important either. It just feels good and helps me to organize thoughts. There are many thoughts and ideas that I process through my head that never make it to the blog or any written form, but the process itself is therapeutic and calming.

For example --
This past week I've spent a lot of time thinking about things I am thankful for. I wrote a few things, but not much in comparison to the time I spent dwelling on how grateful I am. The struggles, challenges, and joy in my family and extended family have been a large part of my thoughts lately, but again, that's not stuff that gets written about.

Contemplating what I'm reading often inspires something to write. Sometimes I share the questions when I find the answers to be challenging.
I do wish that my writing was more organized. I suppose it is a reflection of me -- go with the flow and not very organized. 

With only a few days left in the month and with a twofer along the way, I can still end up with 30 posts for 30 days if I continue to post daily, so...maybe.
Or maybe not.
We'll see.


1 comment:

Mike said...

Do a post and backdate it. Fill in the blank!