Sunday, November 12, 2023


I'm sitting here this morning and wondering...
It seems that recent Novembers have been filled with thankfulness posts on different social media platforms. I haven't seen that this year and I wonder why.

It is pretty easy for me to take this quiet and simple life of mine for granted, but I rarely do. I am daily grateful for the privilege of living this retired life in this comfortable manner. It is difficult to express that with the intensity that I feel it. 
Saying (or writing) that I am thankful for family, or thankful for friends (both of you), or even thankful for things that make life easier doesn't adequately convey the gratitude that I feel.

Maybe that's why there aren't daily gratitude posts this year.
Maybe we've figured out just how empty it sounds to say -- I'm thankful for my _____ -- day after day.
In reality, those often simple moments of gratitude are the stuff that makes for a good life.

This past week I spent a few hours with a guy that just has a life giving energy. We exchanged and smoked cigars, sipped bourbon and talked. I don't think I would use the word "fun" to describe our time together, but it was definitely enjoyable and I am truly grateful for his friendship.
Later that evening, Chris and I went out to listen to our friends' band. That's always an enjoyable evening. While I am not much of a people person, I do enjoy these nights out whether it's just Chris and me or we meet some friends for the evening.
Maybe we should find another band or musician to follow, as well.

Here's another simple and seemingly worthless experience -- watching my crow friends eat the peanuts I leave for them.

They are so skittish that it is difficult to take a picture, even from this distance. If I start moving around on the deck after they land close by and start to make their approach to the rock, they sense the nearby movement and leave.
I am hoping to be able to get closer as they get more used to feeding there.

What is something you are grateful for today?
A simple pleasure.
Maybe something as simple as a favorite coffee mug or a cozy blanket.
Care to share?


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