Friday, November 30, 2018

Nov 30: Service interruption

On the last day of National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) I'm hit with a service interruption on my internet!
It's in its seventh hour and is expected to be another 3-4 hours.


Since we use SlingTV for our TV service, it's kind of like being in the technology dark ages. We do have an unlimited data plan and decent coverage on our phones, so I guess we're not really in the dark ages. I have the Sling app on my phone so I'll still be able to watch the fights tonight, but this thumb tappy blogging on my phone is definitely a pain.

Talk about your First World problems!
On the bright side, I did get a little reading in today. I'll comment more on my current read in another post.

I had hoped to recap November with some of the things I've learned and some simple progress I've made, but I'll save that for tomorrow since I really don't like this phone posting.
A somewhat anticlimactic end to this year's NaBloPoMo.

John <><

1 comment:

Mike said...

You made it!