Wednesday, November 21, 2012

More on Thanksgiving ...

Yesterday I was driving past one of Springfield's all you can eat buffets that was advertising its hours for its Thanksgiving Day buffet. It brought back memories of a Thanksgiving long ago...

Chris and I (this was pre-kids days) were invited to have Thanksgiving dinner with friends and their family down in the boot-heel of Missouri. Since we had been planning on dinner with friends, we didn't have any holiday type food at home. On Thanksgiving Day, Chris was sick; too sick to make the trip from St. Louis south and too sick feel like being around people. By evening she was feeling a little bit better and wanted a traditional holiday meal. We ended up at one of the few restaurants still open on Thursday evening--yep, Thanksgiving Day dinner at Shoney's!

It's all about the memories.

Here are my first ten thankful things from last year's post. If you've just been following Out of My Hat since last Thanksgiving or if you just feel like the reread, enjoy.

John <><


eViL pOp TaRt said...

There's a lot to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving, John. May you and your family have a great and blessed one.

John A Hill said...

Thanks, Angel. Blessings to you and your family on this Thanksgiving Day.