Thursday, July 22, 2021

Stop the Madness!

I really don't feel like writing this. 
And in spite of having looked up the numbers, and read the articles from reliable sources, I know that those numbers will not sway those that are set on the course of willful ignorance.
I wish there was a way that I could convince the anti-COVID vaccine folks to get vaccinated, but I really don't think I can.

I am seeing articles and stories of people that are dying from COVID19 and are begging others to take the disease seriously and get the vaccine. Apparently the more than 600,000 US deaths before you weren't enough to convince them (or you), but your misery is supposed to be enough. Not likely.

I am worried about the continued spread when my back-ass-ward state of Missouri sends unvaccinated kids (under 12) back to the COVID19 petri dish called "school" this fall. It's pretty unbelievable that today's numbers are what they were pre-vaccine during the pandemic, but without the masking mandates and social distancing practices.

The thing that bothers me the most about this madness is the person that I've become. I have become a cold, and uncaring person when it comes to people that are suffering and dying from this killer disease. I've become a -- this is the freedom you chose so shut up and die at home and don't waste the time and resources of the healthcare industry -- kind of person. The caring, sympathetic person you see is just a mask for the mean, ugly person I've become--and I'm kind of hating myself for it.

I don't know if there is any real peace in a "Live and let die," philosophy of life, but it's all I can think of at this time.
Freedom in America -- We live. We die. And sometimes we make choices that (to) kill other people.
That's pretty messed up.



c.s1020 said...

Exactly! If I didn’t have an 8 year old who couldn’t get vaccinated, I wouldn’t be freaking out so much. If their choices didn’t affect the people who DO comply, I would say *^+# it, let Darwinism take them out. I am so over my kids falling behind socially and academically for the last year and a half of homeschooling. As far as I am concerned, it’s their turn. We have held the burden for their selfishness long enough. You don’t want to wear a mask or get vaccinated? Cool. YOU get to stay home. I’m tired of your damn excuses.

Mike said...

I just commented on Peggy's blog with this...
Even though we have a republican nut job for a governor, he did mention that people that want to stay home can take online courses to keep up. OH WAIT. He was talking to the vaccinated people. The antivaxers all want to go to school with no masks. They have been at school board meetings complaining about masks.