Thursday, October 28, 2021

So--About that job thing

I didn't get it.
I went to interview for the position of Overnight Monitor at a cold weather shelter for our otherwise unsheltered friends. I served as a volunteer at a shelter last winter. Each night the shelter is staffed with a paid staff person and an all night volunteer, along with a couple of other volunteers that help with set-up, sign in, and getting things settled before they leave for the night.

I had some great recommendations from friends that serve in the unsheltered community, but...
One of the things I mentioned in the interview was that I was applying to fill the need, not because I needed a job, nor the money. I told them that if there was a qualified applicant that needed the job to pay bills and live on, they should consider hiring them over me. I told them I'd still volunteer and serve as needed.
And that's what happened. When the pastor of the host church called me back, she told me that a qualified applicant did really need the money the job would provide and they were going to hire her. I'm cool with that. The pastor seemed a bit apologetic in telling me, but was also grateful to be able to offer the job to somebody that would benefit from it.

So it looks like I will remain a full-time retired person and grumpy curmudgeon in training.



Mike said...

This would make a great Christmas story. "Old curmudgeon helps needy person."

And if you holler at someone to get off your lawn in the back, It's going to take them 15 minutes to do that.

John A Hill said...

They can cut over to my neighbor's lawn. They're way nicer than me.