Saturday, July 01, 2023

Welcome to July (Bienvenido a julio)

It's hard to believe that half of 2023 has already passed by and we are moving into the second half of the calendar year. While it might be more cultural (at least in the Western world) to want to get off to a running start, I think I'll take July 1st being a Saturday (sabado), the sabbath as a sign that I should rest and reflect before moving onward in the search for my life's purpose.
Actually, I'll probably take a couple of days to do that since tomorrow is a travel day as we make our way back to the Midwest furnace of Highlandville MO.

I do hope to hang on to the prevailing attitude of community that exists here in Puerto Vallarta. Life moves at a much slower pace here and people tend to see each other and take care of one another in a way that is very natural and organic. That also seems to be one of the main reasons that so many US expats are living here. The US and Canada (and some Europeans, too) folks that we have met here range from retired to much younger people that are still working. The working folks (like Aaron and Jenny) either work remotely and earn US or Canadian dollars, work for local companies, or have established businesses here. 
Income levels range from enough to get by and live in paradise to doing very well and living with a mix of more modern amenities while still managing a more simple and less demanding daily lifestyle.

I already have a simple, less demanding lifestyle than most. I may have to consider getting out more. I have enjoyed the experience of meeting people and sharing life with others during this past month. I am aware that doing that at home poses different challenges as it seems to be more of a challenge to find open minded people to converse with and share life and stories of life. When you can't go to freakin' Walmart without seeing someone that feels the need to open carry --  well, it does make me want to just enjoy my quiet little corner of the world on the screened in deck.
Also, traditional gathering places both here and at home tend to be bars, breweries, or restaurants with bars, and that really isn't our thing. Maybe we need to find more local music groups to follow since that is something we both enjoy.
Maybe I should just get a pool and have a few people over from time to time or enjoy it without other people. 

In any case,
I have a pretty darn good life.
I have enjoyed being here in PV for the past month, but I will enjoy being back at home, as well.

Happy Canada Day to our northern neighbors.

Live well, my friends.
Be kind.


The last sunset of June

1 comment:

Mike said...

Is it time to start the summer projects yet? Naw, it's too hot. I'll wait for it to cool off a bit.