Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Gentle Rain

It's been a busy few weeks.
I spent a week in Central Illinois while my mom was recovering from COVID and a brief hospital stay. I got home in time to see our daughter visiting for a few days. That was followed by Chris's sisters coming in for their sisters' weekend. I had a few days to get the lawn mowed, plant the garden, and get a couple of flower boxes ready, and then our son and daughter-in-law were here for a few days. They continued on their US journey this morning (Chicago and then Minneapolis before returning to Mexico).

Tonight I am sitting on the deck while a nice, gentle rain is falling. I did manage to plant a coiple of boysenberry bushes and pot a few tomato plants before the rain started this afternoon.
Now it is quiet and peaceful. The rain mutes the highway sounds a little bit, so I'm just chilling for the evening. 
I had a cigar earlier today, so no cigar this evening. Just the rain and a book about the old west as it was being conquered by the Spanish. 
I recently read about the English pushing the native tribes of the east westward and the enslavement of many, along with the broken promises and brutal treatment. Now I am reading about the Spanish slaughtering and stealing from the native tribes of the west.
Damn! We are a brutal people. It's no wonder we are so opposed to immigrants. We were immigrants that became conquerors. I guess we expect the same wicked behavior from others. 

That's way too heavy for this tired brain tonight. I'm going to go back to listening to the rain and the muted night sounds, and I'm going to enjoy being alone for the evening.
I hope your evening is as peaceful as mine.


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