Thursday, March 18, 2021

Spring in the Ozarks and What the Hell is wrong with people?

It was nearly 70f (20c) on Tuesday as I was working in what will be our garden. It was 34f (1c) when I woke up this morning and now it's snowing!

I'm back to coffee by the fireplace this morning and probably will be for a few more mornings.
Today's coffee and quiet time will be cut short by a trip into Springfield -- Dr. appointment for Chris, setting up for in-person services at The Venues for me. We're doing the ecologically and economically best thing by carpooling. I'll probably be finished before Chris but I'm sure I can find a coffee shop and I always have a selection of books on my phone. 

   * * * * *

I am finding the current trend of attacks on Asians to be very troubling -- not only because of the racism, but the attackers are targeting older people. It seems that most of the violence is against senior adults. 
What the hell?!
Effing damn cowards!

I suspect cowardice is a common trait among racists. They find strength in numbers or anonymity, but would not be so bold one on one with a person of equal or greater strength or size. Reading about attacks on unsuspecting Asian seniors really pisses me off and I find it a challenge to maintain my newly found calm, peaceful, more gentle demeanor. 
Perhaps the thing that upsets me the most is the failure of so many Republican (Yes, I'm calling them out!) leaders to address the racist issues in our country. If fact, far from addressing the issues -- in 43 state legislatures and in Congress, most are contributing to the goddamned racism that our previous President and his followers -- every f#*cking one of you -- endorses.
No more passes. You don't get to say you support his policies but not his racism. His policies are racist. If you support him, you support a racist. If you support a racist - YOU ARE A RACIST.

Go ahead - change my mind. 
I'll listen, but you better bring some kind of super strong defense.

I'm going to need some serious quiet time to re-find my peace this morning.
Or maybe I need to be outraged for a while longer. 
Maybe we all need to be outraged.



John A Hill said...

Personal disclosure: I have some concerns about posting this. It exposes an ugly side of me. If it exposes an ugly side of you, maybe that's a good thing. If you agree that there is an ugliness that needs to be exposed in our country and in our government, then let's work to expose and eradicate it. There is no place that racism should be allowed -- not in our homes, not in our government, and certainly not in our churches.

Bilbo said...

If despising racists exposes an "ugly side" of you, then you are no different from me. These cowardly bastards and their enablers - mostly, sad to say, in the GOP - are the most despicable of Americans. I have many Asian friends, and I worry about them every day in this current environment. You are right that these people must be called out and given no more passes. No more "bad days." No more excuses. Nothing but condemnation of terrible behavior.

TwoG’s said...

Thanks John. Great and truthful posting. Peace Brother!

Mike said...

Too many churches seem to be a breeding ground.

AR said...

Word. Yes John we agree with you. I’ll go further still: these so-called good Christians that continue to tout their piety while supporting Trump can go eff themselves.

Thomas Hill said...

I understand your hesitation, John, but anyone who knows you even as slightly as I do knows you are a good man with a good heart. Don't apologize for being riled. Gandhi was right for his place and time. In the US today, he would be vilified at least, if not beaten to death or shot well before he achieved anything.

We cannot be silent, and we cannot awaken the best in people with soft words. We must be careful not to meet hate with hate, but even Jesus had some spectacular moments of righteous anger and called out the hypocrites in the leadership. (I think "brood of vipers" fits the current GOP rather nicely.) Call them what they are, and call for good people to oppose them in all ways Christian and legal.

Take care, fine sir, and God bless.