Thursday, December 26, 2019

What's Next?

It's the morning after Christmas and even though we still have a weekend gathering ahead of us, it is time to start thinking about 2020.

I don't know that I have any real resolutions or goals in mind for the coming year, but there are a few things I'd like to do and a few things I'd like to do better. I suppose I should take a look at the successes and failures of 2019, but I'm pretty content to leave them in the past and move forward.

I'm just jotting down a few things as they pop into my head this morning. I'll have figure out the actual plans later. We have become more "green" in 2019 and I'd really like for that to continue. I've managed to reduce the use of single use plastics and will continue to look for ways to reduce plastic use. We've also done more recycling this year and I hope to continue that in 2020.
We'll be moving into our new home in a couple of months and I have hopes of using the land for a small (at first) garden and to plant some fruit trees. I've never been much of a gardening guy so it will take some work and some learning when it comes to harvesting and preserving our produce.
I've bought two books to help with new home projects. One is on solar power and one is on beekeeping. I have a feeling I'm in for a busy (and hopefully, productive) 2020.

One of the things that I did manage to do in 2019 was to read more books for pleasure. I am enjoying that and hope to do more of it. As much as I really like the feel of a good book, the part of me that wants to be more conscientious about the environment says that I should continue using an e-reader. Besides, it's both more convenient and less expensive. I can always use the library for an actual book.

Those are just a few things that I'm thinking about for 2020. I also need to be more focused on writing -- and not just blogging. I do have a couple of book ideas, but haven't gone past that and maybe a first chapter or two.
I'll have to see what 2020 brings for Out of My Hat. This is my 200th post for 2019 -- a new record! My previous high was 187 posts in 2017. I think my recent 56 day streak was also a record.
I may try to get back to more meaningful posts and opinions. Lately the blog has become more of a personal journal. That works for me. It's a bit therapeutic and helps me keep things organized in my head. I've also found that thinking before I write has helped me to think before I speak. When you write stupid things you have the opportunity to edit before posting. You don't get that chance when you say stupid things. I think blogging has helped me to say fewer stupid things.

What about you?
Any plans or goals for 2020?

John <><


Kevin Gilmore said...

I've never been one for making resolutions. There's a group of guys I ride with who are strong cyclists and for me to feel confident toeing-the-line with them when we ride together, I have to be prepared. That's motivation enough for me to work on my overall fitness. But still, there are areas where I can afford to improve. My diet is one of those areas. I need to rely less on processed foods and become more versatile in the kitchen, and not just around the microwave. You seem to do very well in that regard. Also, I'd like to begin a regular regimen of meditation. I've dabbled a little in the past with meditation and always looked forward to those few minutes each day but I somehow allowed that part of my routine to fall away.

All the best to you and your family in the coming year, John! 🥂

John A Hill said...

Meditation is a great practice. I hope you are able to make it a regular part of your being.
Wishing you and yours the best as well, Kevin.

Mike said...

I made a resolution years ago and have kept it ever since. 'Never make another New Year resolution.

Have you been checking the work at your new house?!