Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Advent 2019: Christmas Eve, Day 24

Luke 24

The tomb is empty. Jesus is risen.
Jesus appears to the disciples, opens their eyes to the scriptures, and ascends into heaven.

At the beginning of Luke's gospel, he wrote that he had been following the events surrounding Jesus for some time. He had spoken with the eyewitnesses and checked out their stories. He wrote these things down and sent them to Theophilus so that he could know that the things he'd been hearing about Jesus were true and the things that he had been taught about the Messiah had been fulfilled in Jesus.

Mathematician Peter Stoner and some of his students worked to calculate the odds of one person being able to fulfill just eight of the messianic prophesies.You can read their results here.

I began this Advent series through the 24 chapters of Luke's gospel so that we could better get to know Jesus and decide for ourselves -- Is Jesus the Son of God? and Is Jesus worth following?
It is possible to answer the first question "I still don't know," and yet answer the second question with a "Yes!"
I truly believe that the more you follow him, the better you will come to know the character and love of God.

From the statistics provided by Google, I know that not many readers have followed along with this daily journey. My guess would be that the few that have are already believers. Whatever the case may be and however you choose to celebrate Christmas, I wish you peace, joy, and love.

Merry Christmas

John <><

1 comment:


Also want to wish merry christmas as well as happy new yr to u .