Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Advent 2019: Dec 10, Day 10

Luke 10


The chapter begins with Jesus sending disciples out to announce that he is coming. He instructs them to take nothing for the journey and teaches them to trust that God will provide for them. They return with great stories to tell of the blessings they have received.
As Jesus continues to teach in parables, he tells the story of The Good Samaritan. I've written about this parable in the past. If you'd like to hear my take on it, here's the link to that post.
This chapter ends with a reminder that sometimes the most important work is learning what Jesus is teaching.

My take away

The 72 that were sent out were able to accomplish great things in the power of The Holy Spirit. Jesus tells them that what they have done isn't as important as knowing that God loves them.

John <><

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