Monday, December 16, 2019

Advent 2019: Dec 16, Day 16

Luke 16


I think chapter 16 could be summarized in a single phrase:
More parables and teaching that we choose to ignore

My take away

Jesus teaches that there is a big difference between the things of this world and the things that are of importance to God. We actually demonstrate how well we take care of spiritual matters by the way we take care of earthly matters. We demonstrate which (earthly things or heavenly things) have a greater priority and which is our master.
Verse 18 is a favorite to ignore by those that rant about the sanctity of marriage while they themselves are divorced, remarried, and living (by this standard) in an adulterous relationship.
Hypocrite much?
Then Luke returns to Jesus teaching about materialism and how we can let the good things of life blind us to the more important things like loving and caring for people that are in need.

I struggle with this.
I don't think of myself as wealthy or living an extravagant lifestyle. But working with those in need of life's basics like food and shelter certainly makes me re-examine how I use my resources.
How am I different from the rich man?
We're building a nice home on several acres while hundreds of people in our city have no shelter.
We have food in our pantry and money in our bank account while kids and their parents will go hungry today.
Is the fate of the rich man going to be my fate?

No wonder we choose to ignore these parables and teachings.

John <><


eViL pOp TaRt said...

It's sad that this is glossed over!

Cloudia said...

Praiseworthy and worth pondering! Bless you for caring about the truth and moving towards it always.