Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Buenos Días!

Good morning from B of Bros Coffee!
I decided to take an early morning walk for coffee today. I saw this little urban garden coffee shop while walking Monday night and thought to try it out this morning. It's right around the corner from the bakery with the tasty pastries, but I'm going to skip those this morning. 
Coffee and keyboard will suffice.

Yesterday was another easy day in paradise. I spent some morning time in the rooftop pool getting a little exercise. It was nice because nobody else was up there. I'll probably do the same today. As a matter of fact, I'll probably try to find a decent cigar and spend most of today up there -- you know, healthy exercise, not so healthy cigar. It's about balance, right?
I haven't really done as much reading as I was hoping to do. So I plan on getting caught up a bit today. I'm pretty sure I'll have a large glass of tequila, lime, and sparkling water to stay cool while enjoying the view and book.

I don't think that you could really call it eaves dropping as I can only pick up a few words, but I am enjoying the interaction between a couple of young customers and their friends that are working. If there is a constant between languages and cultures it is laughter. My Spanish vocabulary is so limited that I really only recognize a few verb conjugations and an occasional word or two. I have a difficult time shifting from listening to the rhythm of English to the rhythm of Spanish -- plus I still have to hear, understand what I'm hearing, and translate in my head. I need to find some Spanish speakers at home to help with hearing and understanding in Spanish without the translating to English step.
I also need to be better about listening to my recorded Spanish lessons. 

Honestly, there isn't a great need for knowing Spanish here. Because it is a resort/tourist town most of the shops speak or understand English well enough. For me it is a matter of courtesy to learn a little of the language and make an effort to adapt to their culture and country. 
Plus learning something new is always a good challenge.

Today I am contemplating my contentment with life.
I appreciate that I can be content and wonder about the downside to contentment.
Is there one?
Should I be more purposeful about daily productivity?
Does contentment allow me to share my journey in a way that is beneficial to others?
What have I learned on this journey that allows me to be content while others continue to strive for more?
Just thoughts that are in my head this morning.

Hasta mañana, amigos!

1 comment:

Mike said...

I knew a guy at work that could speak English and Spanish equally well. He said when he was in America, his thoughts were in English. When he went to Mexico, his thoughts were in Spanish. But it took him a day to transition going back and forth.