Sunday, January 07, 2024


It's estimated that we spend more than 1/3 of our lives trying to fall asleep, sleeping, and trying to wake up.
I have pretty much eliminated the trying to fall asleep and trying to wake up parts of that equation. I go to bed and fall asleep. I wake up and get up. Maybe that's a part of doing well on around just 6 (or fewer) hours of sleep. These days, I typically add a sleep cycle and enjoy around 7.5 hours of sleep per night.

I spent yesterday (Saturday) readjusting my sleep to a typical nighttime mode after putting in my three overnight shifts earlier in the week. All-in-all, it was a pretty non-productive day.

How long, and how well do you sleep daily?
Do you fall asleep easily?
Do you struggle to wake up in the morning?

Retirement is great for going to bed when you're ready to go to sleep and waking up when you're finished sleeping. Even when working, I never really had trouble with either falling asleep, nor waking up. And I generally sleep well.

Do you have a bedtime routine to prepare yourself for sleeping?
Do you have a morning routine for waking up?

As a good sleeper, I am genuinely curious about people that do not rest or sleep well. 


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