Thursday, January 18, 2024

Leadership vs Followship

Yeah, I know -- followship isn't really a word. It's not even a concept that is considered, but maybe it should be.

This week's lectionary text is from Mark 1:14-20. Read it and then come back.
It's a pretty familiar story -- Jesus calling the brothers Peter and Andrew, and brothers James and John. I don't know what pastors and preachers will be talking about on Sunday. I imagine many will talk about the willingness of the men to leave their nets and businesses and begin to follow Jesus.

But I wonder what Jesus saw in them. These men would eventually become leaders in the movement of following Jesus, but I don't think that Jesus was looking for leaders. In truth, I don't think Jesus is looking for leaders today.
Jesus is still looking for followers.
Churches look for leaders.
Churches control followers.
Church followers worship church leaders.
Yeah, I know -- I'm way too cynical, at least where churches are concerned.

I really don't know what compelled those men to leave everything behind and follow Jesus. Even with what we know about Jesus 2000 years later, the thought of setting everything aside to follow him is an incredible thing. I struggle to follow Jesus and his teachings. I struggle to be less of John and more of Jesus. I don't want to be thought of as some kind of religious leader. I would love to be thought of as a Jesus follower. 
Maybe some day.

In any case, don't follow me. Follow Jesus.
Don't follow your church leaders, either. Follow Jesus.
And for God's sake, don't idolize your church leaders. They aren't worthy of your worship.

I may have to rethink this Thursday Theology thing that follows the lectionary. I don't want it to be a negative thing and when it comes to churches and preachers/pastors in general, I may be a little jaded. I know that's because the preachers/pastors that seem to get the most attention are the ones that work hard to make themselves the center of attention.
The ones that I've really grown to love are the ones that quietly and tirelessly work out the Matthew 25 version of following Jesus. These are the ones I watch. These are the men and women that show me who Jesus is. They expect no praise. They expect no worship. They appreciate those of us that work alongside them to show our neighbors who Jesus is and that God truly loves them.

I know that leadership has its place. Leaders in business, in government, even on sports teams are vital to success. But I think churches would do better to seek after those that model followship. Don't you?


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