Friday, May 19, 2023

The Quiet Life

I know the quiet life isn't for everyone. Many people would be bored with my humble existence, but it suits me quite well. It's Friday night and I'm on the deck with a good cigar, a cold drink, and the sound of a light rain falling outside. I suppose we could be out listening to music or maybe we could have gone out for dinner, but we stayed home like boring (or maybe satisfied) old people.

I finally got one of my two lawn mowers back from the shop today. The delivery driver commented that I needed a much larger zero turn mower for the amount of lawn I mow -- one that would easily cost about 4 times as much as the mower I have. I told him I'm retired so it doesn't really matter how long it takes me.
He responded by telling me that he's retired too, but can't just sit around so he does delivery for the shop.

Well, by the time he got there with my mower I had already planted two berry plants, hung a bee house, potted marigolds, two small ferns, and potato vines, and planted petunias in the front flower bed. Now I was going to finally get started mowing my field. And in spite of having plenty to do -- I can just sit around! It's what I am doing now.
I didn't get much mowing done because of the gentle rain that has been falling most of the day, but sunshine is forecast for the weekend so I'll be back at it tomorrow. And I still have two small trees to plant.

Since I couldn't work in the yard this afternoon, we picked up a few more plants for Chris's big flower pots. She will get to those in the coming days. She'll be spending the day with friends at the lake tomorrow and I'll be enjoying some Pandora Classic Rock Radio in my earbuds as I mow the field that hasn't been cut since last fall. I should probably catch up on a few Spanish lessons, too.

All is well.
Retirement does not suck.



Mike said...

How long does it take you to mow the back 40 if you get it done in one day?

John A Hill said...

Mike, normally about 3.5 hrs. Longer now since it hasn't been cut since late September. I'm still having some issues with this replacement mower. It starts losing power as it gets hot and it won't climb the steep hills I have. I'll be happier when I get my mower back.