Thursday, May 11, 2023

It feels like Friday

I know it's only Thursday but for some reason, it feels like it should be Friday.
Maybe it has something to do with actually going out and people-ing every night this week
...and I'll be out people-ing today and again this evening!
All of that interaction makes this morning deck time feel like a holy place and time.

My morning coffee and quiet time generally feels like that anyway. I'm a little more aware of it and more appreciative of it during weeks like this, but I rarely take it for granted. I probably need to find a better way of sharing my time on the deck. So often when I am asked what I've been doing lately or if I've been doing anything for fun I respond by saying that I haven't been doing anything at all. And while sitting on the deck and appreciating the nature around me feels like I'm not doing anything, I do know that it brings peace to my spirit and connects my soul to the world around me.

Maybe a simple, "I have been enjoying my retirement," would be a better answer.
Or, "I'm working on being a better John than I was yesterday." Nah...that might be true, but it sounds pretty corny.
"Watching the hummingbirds at the feeder," or "Watching my flowers grow," sounds a little better than not doing anything, but not much.

I do realize that there are people that might be envious of a guy that can sit and watch hummingbirds feed or appreciating the growth of flowers, but I feel like I should have something more to share. It's probably more about how we have been conditioned to be productive in Western society. Being contemplative and philosophic is much more accepted and revered in more Eastern cultures. Although I have been using quiet time/meditation/contemplation in some form or fashion for a long time, I do wish I would have been more purposeful or taught about its benefits as a young man rather that struggling through life without the calming and peaceful effects of a regular practice of meditation -- not to mention the healthful effects of such a practice.

Today -- I am grateful.
I am excited about the flowers and vegetables that have sprouted and am seriously watching them grow.
I enjoy my time watching the humming birds at the feeder and am particularly drawn to one that keeps hovering at the screen and looking into the deck. I talk to him like a crazy old guy every time he does. 

Do you have a regular practice of quiet time or meditation?
Do you have an irregular quiet time that you wish was more regular?
Maybe I'll start sharing some simple practices that can help you get started. 
Or maybe not. I realize that mindfulness is still considered to be a pagan practice by many of my old evangelical acquaintances and most of the people where I live. (shakes head and sighs)
What do you think? Yes or no to sharing some meditative techniques?


1 comment:

Mike said...

Thanks for reminding me that I was going to get some hummingbird feeders this year. I need to get to it!