Saturday, May 06, 2023

Spring Cleaning

It's a foggy morning in the Ozarks. I imagine it will be pretty humid when the sun finally breaks through to bring about one of the first hot (88f, 31c), humid days of the season. Yay! I'm ready.

I did some spring cleaning and rearranging of the deck yesterday. There is much more spring cleaning that needs to be done. We have a basement full of crap that we need to get rid of. I suppose I could become a FB Marketplace or Craig's list dealer and just start listing stuff to see what happens. Or we could become weekly or monthly garage sale people. I could use a little cash for trash exchange. There is quite a bit of stuff.

I think the lack of a real plan is the biggest obstacle for a thorough spring clean. Maybe that's what I really need to do. Knowing what needs to go and having a plan for getting rid of it are different things. I should make a plan.
Any marketplace/Craig's list sellers here?
Good experiences?
Nightmare experiences?
Do I need to price to negotiate or will a firm, fair price work just as well?

In my head I think that listing and selling items would be easier because you can do just one or several items at a time. Garage sales are a pain in the ass - in preparation, sale days, and getting rid of what's left!
Maybe I'll try a few things and see how it goes.

The fog is starting to lift a little. I can now see the treeline that is about 1/4 mile (<.5 km) away. I was going to ride the motorcycle to run a couple of errands this morning, but I'll need the visibility to increase before hopping on the bike. I have plenty to do while I wait.

Have a great weekend!



Mike said...

You haven't been there long enough to have a basement full of crap! Wait until you're there 46 years before getting rid of stuff!
And you're right. Garage sales are a pain in the butt. A lot of work for very little return.

John A Hill said...

Mike, this is the stuff we moved from our previous home - you know, the stuff we never unpacked from the move before that one!