Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sunday morning reflections...

Just a few things I'm thinking about in this morning's quiet time...

*It's good to be home. 
I slept very well last night and am enjoying the calm and quiet of coffee on the deck. I did miss this time over the past few days of travel and visiting. 

*What I didn't miss was the time spent scrolling news and knowing about the ever growing dysfunction in our federal government. Sure, I kept up with some of the news, but not nearly as much as I usually do. I might need to consider that as I move forward.

*I'm also thinking that I really need a reset when it comes to diet. I have been consuming way too much crap food lately. I need to eliminate (or at least moderate) the junk food and increase the wholesome stuff. I know that we have gone back to eating out more often and our choice for dinner out often is for something quick and easy just because it's dinner time and we don't feel like cooking. Even planned meals out would help with making healthier choices.
*I also really need to do some daily exercise -- even if it's just getting back to a daily 2-3 mile walk.

*I've got a pretty neat little world that I live in. It's not too big and I probably need to work on expanding my exposure to the rest of the world a little more. I'm not sure why I feel that way, but I do sometimes get the sense that I should have more people interactions than I normally do.
Even as I write that my head is screaming -- bullshit!
It's pretty counter-intuitive to my usual behavior and I'm not sure what is behind this crazy thought. I just know that it's there.

Just a few random things in my head this morning.


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