Thursday, October 12, 2023

Mid-day Meetings vs. Stay-at-home Gardening

Mid-day meetings and lunches kind of upset my rhythm. 
Normally I am a slow starter and so I don't usually get to work until around 10:30 or 11 am. 
On lunch meeting days (like today) that means I'm not working when I'm ready to work and I happen to have stuff that needs to be done.
And it's Thursday, so I typically would be going to More Than at The Venues at 425 in the evening. 
All-in-all, it's a setup for getting very little work accomplished today.
I may have to pass on the evening gig. That fence isn't going to paint itself. 

I need to finish the fence this week/weekend. We'll be visiting our daughter for a few days next week, then it's a load of topsoil to fill the flower bed, plant bulbs, and mulch everything for the winter. As you can see, I have plenty to do and working in the yard/garden is generally preferable to going out and being with people. There is just something organic and natural about working in the garden that even the hard part of building the garden feels rewarding and reminds me that we are connected to something other than just people; we are one with the earth.

The crows have found the peanuts I left for them!
As I'm typing on the deck, I have a good view of the large rock where I've placed the raw, unsalted peanuts and several crows have found them! 
I'm pretty excited right now. My plan is to place a few peanuts in the same place each morning and establish a pattern for doing so. I hope that they will eventually be waiting for their morning treats.
I've seen bluebirds and one cardinal at the seed filled feeders, and continue to see finches and other small birds plucking the seeds from the flowers in the downspout flowerbeds.
Yeah, we are connected to nature, one with the earth. 

Maybe just one people meeting today, and then back to work.
How do you connect with the world around you?




Mike said...

HA! I found the comments!!!

Bluebirds are the state bird but I don't know if I've ever seen one.

John A Hill said...

Yeah, I don't know what happened with that. It took me awhile to find them and fix it.