Sunday, October 01, 2023


And so begins the final quarter of 2023.
Here in SWMO it will be another 90f (32c) degree day. It may be the last of the year, but it wouldn't surprise me to see another in the coming weeks. 
Fall makes me kind of sad. 

I do get some hope from the fall flowers that cling to summer and show off their colors for as long as they can. I feel that. I'll be wearing shorts and sandals well into winter. 

Each of the past few days I have seen an occasional hummingbird at the feeder, including one this morning. I don't recall seeing any this late last year. While the hummingbirds and Monarch butterflies are pretty much gone, the Canadian geese and other migratory water fowl are just beginning their journeys southward. I've seen a few flocks flying and a few that have stopped (sometimes in odd areas) for the evening. I wish I knew how to attract them. It would be cool to look out at a field full of geese for the night and watch them takeoff in the morning. 

Although I am not a fall/winter fan, I am a fan of beauty and will be looking to appreciate the cycle of things as the leaves turn colors and fall, the plants drop their blooms and go dormant for the season, and the nights get longer and show off the beauty of the winter stars. 
I'm going to try my hand at some indoor gardening to prepare for spring. I have the grow lights, but need to set up a space and decide what to start during the early winter months so that I am ready in late winter/early spring. I need a greenhouse, but don't think I'm ready for that project just yet.

One thing I'm thinking of for next year is to have a little pumpkin patch. I think it would be cool to grow enough pumpkins that every house and every kid on our street could have a pumpkin next October. 
Just a thought.

In the coming months I am counting on plant therapy and your good thoughts to keep me from falling prey to the dreaded Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) feelings.


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