Sunday, May 07, 2023

Sunday Morning Challenge

The challenge or at least the question I ask myself every Sunday morning--
Get ready and go to church?
Stay home and listen to the online stream?
Skip it for now and listen to it later?


I have to admit that the deck is pretty comfy this morning. Somebody is mowing already, but it is far away enough that sound is just background noise. The dominant sound is the morning sound of the birds chirping as they eat and feed their babies in the bird houses and nests around the house. The hummingbirds are always entertaining at the feeders we have around the house - one in front and one in back. I have Pandora's Classical music for studying channel playing softly and I'm thinking that moving from this spot isn't going to be easy.
Getting ready, riding into Springfield, riding home and changing clothes again adds a couple of hours to the one hour service and the 20-30 minutes of exchanging greetings with people I know. I really like living out here in this rural environment, but it does make simple things like going to church less simple - unless I just don't go.
I think the pandemic changed life for a lot of people that now take full advantage of technology and travel less to do the things they used to have to do in person. I fully embrace things like online church or pajama church as some have called it.

Checking the clock now looks like I'm too late to easily make it to church on time so I guess I'm looking at either option 2 or 3 now. Maybe I'll be joining my neighbor in mowing and catch the service later. In any case, it is another Sunday morning at home church.
To be honest, this is the place where I feel closest and most connected to Creator, Nature, God, Universe, or whatever you choose to call that Higher Power. Going to a place to have church has really become more about seeing other people than about worshiping God. 
I do have to say that at The Venues, seeing God in other people has been very good for me. Maybe that's the kind of connection that is necessary for many people that are compelled to actually go to church. 

My hope is that you find a connection to God today - through a gathering of people, a quiet time in nature, some meditative practice, or a simple act of kindness. 



Mike said...

Skip it for now and listen to it later. You can fast forward if need be.

John A Hill said...

Mike - Exactly! I'll listen to it tomorrow ... maybe.