Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Enjoying the morning rain

Yeah, there really is nothing like sitting on the screened in, covered deck while it rains gently on the land. The thunder is rumbling through the clouds, but I haven't seen any lightning yet. Occasionally the wind picks up a little bit and the rain pours a little harder, but it's still quite nice from my morning point of view. With the wind primarily blowing in from the north, the back deck stays dry from the rain spray that blows in when the wind is from the south or west.
It looks like it will rain on and off for most of the day.

I am happy that I won't have to water the new flower beds today. There is nothing like rain water to stimulate plants into growing. I had planned to mow the field today, but that will have to wait for another day.
Today looks like a good day to read and enjoy a good smoke.
I should probably do a little writing, as well.

If you came here looking for some Wednesday Wisdom -- be grateful.
Be grateful for the rain.
Be grateful for the sun.
Be grateful for the way they both work together to bring us food, beauty, and life.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful musings.