Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Meditation

I'm going to do today's meditation a little differently.
I really do get a good feeling from working in the various flower beds around our yard. There is something about digging in the dirt that stimulates the internal energy of our bodies. I have read about the +/- electrical energy of the earth and certainly believe in the benefits of grounding, but working to bring forth the beauty of the many varieties of flowers is something more than just that.

I'm up early today so that I can work before the day gets too warm to enjoy working outside. I hope to manage a few hours of work before then. I have a large area where the weeds have taken over. I am always amazed at how well certain plants grow unwanted and without cultivation while I struggle to get other plants to grow and thrive. 
Nature can be such a beast.

I am also fascinated by how much pleasure I get from watching our flowers grow from seeds or bulbs into fully blossomed plants. 
Truthfully, our yard is not a well manicured, well designed landscape of flowers and shrubs. It is a haphazard bit of work that brings me pleasure. I enjoy the butterflies, birds, and bees that it attracts. And while larger flower beds mean less mowing, I'm not certain that the work exchange works in my favor. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's the opposite. (sigh)

That will be my meditation for today.
That and relaxing with a cigar and drink later this evening!
Where will you find your peace or purpose today?


1 comment:

Mike said...

My purpose today is working on an electrical problem at my mother-in-law's condo. 😜