Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Changing it up this morning

I decided to do things a little differently this morning. I got up and headed out to fill up the truck and get another load of mulch. I stopped for coffee on the way. I have been taking the longer route home from the landscape place where I get mulch. I think I lose less of it than if I were on the highway. The slower speeds through Springfield and the hybrid Maverick get me on the plus side of 50 mpg, even with a full load.

Once home, I had my breakfast and now a cup of Ryze mushroom coffee and some computer and quiet time before getting to the yard work. I am enjoying the little bit of work that i have been doing and try not to think about all of the work that needs to be done. It's all kind of a work-in-progress kind of project that I expect to be ongoing for years. I think that's a good thing.
It would be helpful if I were more organized and a little driven, but I think we've already covered the fact that I am neither.

I have some moon flower plants starting and I am hopeful to have them blooming this summer.
My hardy hibiscus and swamp mallow seeds haven't taken so I'll have to retry those and I also want to look at propagating my hibiscus and peony plants from stems.

It is going to be a beautiful day for working in the yard so I may put in a little more time than usual. At the end of it I will reward myself with a good cigar and a cool, yet to be determined drink.

Time to get busy!


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