Monday, June 03, 2024

Aging -- Definitely not for sissies

In 10 days I will be 64 years old. That's 23,376 days.
I'm hanging in there and pretty healthy for a fat guy, but I definitely need to make some changes if I plan on making it for another 25 years or so.

The motivation to actually be more mindful of diet and exercise should be plenty, but it has become more difficult--both mentally and physically--to do anything that really has an impact. Just 10 years ago it didn't seem as big of a deal as it does today.
It is as if there is a gravitational inertia to remain inactive. When you combine that with the aches and pains of a little arthritis and normal wear on a fat boy's joints, it becomes a nearly irresistible force.

While it might be a little late in terms of damage done, I really need to look forward and take action to be more comfortable and mobile in the coming years. I have had some minor success in focusing on improving my mental and spiritual beings in the past few years. I need to apply some of that to focusing on my physical well being, as well.

Ten years ago I was finishing up a successful year of losing 54 pounds in my 54th year. I actually lost just over 60 pounds and was below 200 pounds. Today I will need the same kind of +10% of my goal to lose 65 pounds in my 65th year to reach 200 by June 13, 2025. 
I mean it's only a little over a pound a week, so it is so very doable with minimal change in lifestyle and diet. It is in many ways more difficult than getting serious and just doing it -- say in half that time.

For me -- this kind of thing takes some mental acceptance and will. I need to move from -- I'm pretty healthy for a fat guy -- to I'm a fat guy and nothing good is going to come from that. In fact, too many bad things are probably in that fat guy's future -- diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, poor circulation, and so many other maladies associated with old, fat people.
Where most people think of physical health first, I seem to have put it off to the end. It is definitely time to add my physical well being into the picture. 

What are you thinking about today?


1 comment:

Mike said...

Nothing like a little arthritis to make you rest for the whole day.