Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A New Hope

If you are a Star Wars fan, you recognize A New Hope as the title to the first of the many Star Wars films to be released (It was episode IV). But this isn't a post about Star Wars. It is a post about hope. In a day that finds so much bad press and bad behavior about and from evangelical Christians in the US, I have been blessed to be exposed to some real, honest to goodness, followers of Jesus that want people to know that God loves them and Jesus died for them.

Most of Missouri is dotted with small rural churches that have fewer than 50 or so regular attendees. These churches have no big church pride. They have no big budget programs. They have simple means of worship, simple facilities, and simple rural lifestyles. There is a humility about them that is missing from larger churches (even moderately larger) that have started to look on their accomplishments as something to be proud of and held up as an achievement worthy of honor. The simple people of these small churches are incredibly generous. In fact, the biggest thing about these small churches is the size of their (collective) heart.

I have recently been to a couple of these churches. They have a real desire to share the hope we have in Jesus. They live out their faith and share Jesus with people they encounter. They give to meet the physical needs of others (like food and clothing) as well as tending to the spiritual needs.
This is the Jesus I know!

It has been more than a month since I posted my Weekend Rant that got me into trouble. I have gone back to re-read it several times and can't find anything in it that I would change. It generally just reinforces the idea that maybe it's time for me to step away from organized religion and simply follow Jesus and help others to do the same.

I know! I know!
That's what organized religion is supposed to be doing.
But it's not.

With many churches in decline, it seems that the evangelical answer isn't to be better at evangelizing, but to improve at politics and social warfare. I'm not sure if religion has hijacked a political party or if a political party has taken over a religion. Either way, the morphed creature is an ugly beast. It is a beast that is quick to devour its own or any that stand up to question its motives. It has become a beast that is motivated by followers of the organization or party rather than by teaching others to follow Jesus.
The beast divides us into two groups -- those that are with the beast and those that are not. We can join the club and be a winner that hates the losers, or we can be a loser and be subjected to abuse at the hands of the winners. The beast further divides us by crying abuse and persecution where there is none; creating enemies of people that are not its enemies.

I am here to tell you -- this creature does not represent Jesus.
Fortunately, there are good people that do represent Jesus.
They are more than generous with their money, they are generous with their time and with their lives. They make personal investments into the lives of people in need.
They are simple people that live by two simple rules -- Love God, love others.
They ignore the politics of religion and the organization of religion.
They don't care about your social status.
They care about your needs.
They love God.
They love others.
They give hope.

Now that's a religion I can get behind!

John <><


eViL pOp TaRt said...

I think of Yeats's words:
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Stick to your ideals, John! I think you have the sense of Christ's message.

Hoping for good news from Alabama tonight.

John A Hill said...

Thank you, Angel.
Many blessings to you and yours this Christmas season.