Tuesday, October 22, 2024

How I know it's Tuesday (and random other crap)

I know it's Tuesday because I just checked the day/date on my Chromebook calendar. 
Checking my phone or Chromebook is how I generally know what day it is. I don't know if it is a good thing or not that retirement has made every day pretty much the same. If I didn't already know it was Tuesday, I would realize it later this evening when the neighbors start to put their garbage dumpsters out at the street for early morning (Wed) pick-up.

I'm trying to be a little productive these days. I have found my old Pimsleur Listen and Learn Spanish Lessons stored in my Google Drive and just finished day 2. I have started this several times in the past, but I don't think I've ever made it halfway. I am going to try to be more purposeful about learning this time.
If you've taken on learning a second language, how did you do it?
Did you have an app that proved to be successful?
Did you use a program like Rosetta Stone, Babbel, or something else?
Did you take an actual in person Spanish class?
What was/is the cost?
Where did you find the most success?

I'm on day 4 of walking, thanks to my younger sister that talked me into walking daily along with her (except she's in Indiana). After sharing day 3 with her, she let me know that she's taking a few days off due to -- blah, blah, blah. I think I've been had!
I did walk a mile (twice around our lot) barefoot yesterday. I picked up a tiny splinter of something in the bottom of my foot that was a little bothersome and difficult to find and remove. I hate to quit walking barefoot. I guess my feet need to toughen up a bit.

I need to find a learning program for the ukulele that I bought earlier in the year. It's been collecting dust on the mantle for the past few months. 

It is two weeks until election day. I've avoided the political posts because I honestly don't believe that I can say anything to sway undecided voters one way or the other. 
I expect the presidential election to be very close.
I expect that the House of Representatives and the Senate will remain closely divided.
What I really don't understand is how a party with the smallest majority can say they have been mandated by Americans to do whatever the hell they want to do. In my way of thinking a narrow majority would suggest that they should be working together for all of us, not ruling as if we all agree with their particular party platform or policy.

I'm on book 3 of the 11 book fantasy series I'm reading.
I probably need to add some serious reading to that. Werewolves and wizards, demons and other beings from the immortal realm are entertaining, but not very enlightening.

It's past time to make a trip to the recycling center.
Damn, we use a lot of plastic! I wonder how much of this actually gets recycled.
Plastic, aluminum cans, glass -- which is better for the environment, both from the perspective of production and recycle ability?

Have a good day.
Do something nice for the world.


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