Monday, October 21, 2024


More and more, my meditation/reflection times turn to gratitude. Honestly, I'm not sure if it's this attitude of gratitude that gives me peace or if it's having found an inner peace that gives me gratitude. Either way, they seem to go hand-in-hand.

I'd really like to say that I have no worries in life, but there are a few things that occupy my thoughts in troubling ways from time to time. I am fortunate that my privileged status brings me back to this place of peace and the worries tend to dissipate or at least, regain some perspective on a solution or acceptance. There really aren't any big issues in my life at this time.

I do think that I need to change my meditative time to something more active. Perhaps a meditative walk rather than sitting on my ever widening ass while meditating would be a good thing. I've walked our property line a few times this past week. It's just short of a half mile -- .47 miles. 
If I begin by going down the deck stairs at the back of the house and walk around to the street it gives me the additional distance to make it a half mile. A second lap around and back to the deck stairs makes 1 mile of up and down, hilly terrain. It's not much in the way of exercise, but it is a starting place for a fat, old man. 
Walking the field doesn't seem very adventurous, but it is pretty mindless and there are no worries about traffic or other distractions. And there is a natural connection to the earth that doesn't always come when walking on the road. Maybe I'll try it barefooted and see how that goes. I know it will be slower, but the retired guy has the time for slower. 

Mobile meditation.
Thinking about better health.
And I'm grateful to be able to enjoy the mobility.


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