Thursday, October 03, 2024

Thursday Theology

I'm doing coffee out at a little coffee shop that seems to be a gathering place for church people or small groups. It's interesting listening to some of the conversations. I'm not really eavesdropping; they're just not quiet conversations. One of the things that is striking to me is that many of them are very certain of what they believe to be true -- certain enough that an opposing view would be squashed with an abundance of words based on their faith in spite of actual contradictory evidence.

There were also some good open minded questions and thoughtful answers.

I do find people's thoughts on faith to be interesting. I am interested in listening to different thoughts without feeling the need to correct or to interject my thoughts and beliefs into the conversation unless asked to do so.
I haven't always been like this.
I wonder how the thoughts and faiths of these relatively young people will change over time. Giving people the grace to grow and evolve in their faith can be difficult. It is easy to forget the changes that we went through and expect people to get to where we are without the necessary life experience.

I think it's also a little foolish of us to expect someone to adopt our beliefs when their experience and perhaps cultural background is much different than ours.
Is it possible that we each find our own way to the Creator?
Is it even necessary that we find our way to the Creator?
I'm no longer certain that I believe it is.

Just some simple thoughts from a simple man for your Thursday morning consideration.


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