Thursday, March 14, 2024

Thursday Theology

I've been rethinking this Thursday Theology thing.

First of all, I am no theologian and don't want anyone to think that I am.
In all honesty, I think that theologians are an arrogant lot. The idea that we can study God and know what God is thinking is pretty ludicrous. We use the words of men, say they are inspired by God, and then define and redefine them so we can say we know the mind of God. It seems to me that a task like that is far above the pay-grade of humanity, much less a poor, uneducated, insignificant fool like me.

According to this week's gospel reading, many of us (humans) can't recognize the voice of God when we hear it. That is an ideal condition for anyone that wants to insert their own will as that of God. It's no wonder that we are so easily manipulated as adherents to any kind of organized religion.
We (humans) want to be told what we need to do to curry favor with God.

Maybe a label of That's the way I see it! would be better than Thursday Theology. I'd lose the alliteration, but it would probably be more fitting. 

I think I'll leave it as is. I don't expect the few readers I have to be misled by my wayward thoughts, and those of you that do read regularly already know I am an uneducated, insignificant fool when it comes to trying to figure out what God is all about. 

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