Friday, March 01, 2024

March 1st

March 1st
9 PM
From anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere 
Face due south and look up

That bright star is Sirius, the Dog Star.
Sirius is easy to find on any night when it's out. It's just to the left of the constellation Orion. Above Sirius you'll find the Gemini twins, Castor and Pollux. Above and to the right of Orion you can find the Pleiades cluster and Aldebaran, the red eye of Taurus the bull.

The constellation of Orion is very large and includes the Orion Nebula, the bright white Rigel, and the red super giant Betelgeuse. 
Although I love looking at this area of the night sky, I am looking forward to these winter stars moving on and making way for the stars of spring and summer.


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