Saturday, March 09, 2024


What is normal?
And is it okay to be abnormal?

I would say that it is normal for an introvert to prefer not to spend a lot of time around other people.
It might be abnormal to really shun society and remain very isolated from other people -- even loved ones.
Damn, I think I am moving towards that abnormal range. The more time I spend with people, the more I think I should not be in that place.

I really do enjoy conversations about ideas and ideals.
I really do not enjoy talk about other people or mundane things.
Sometimes it is difficult to relate experiences without talking about people. I get that, and as long as the focus is on the experience and not the people, I'm okay.
I don't like small talk, and I don't like people that wander deep into the weeds when telling a story.

For example--
If you are telling a story of something that happened at work that involves -- say, Sally -- I don't need to know that Sally went to such-and-such high school, has three kids, drives an EV, and really needs to do something with her hairstyle unless that is relevant to the story -- which is unlikely.
Tell me the effing story without the unnecessary details.

Maybe I need help -- like some kind of counseling.
Even when I do venture out into public, I don't mind going out by myself. I go to baseball games by myself. I go listen to some friends play music by myself. I go to craft breweries by myself. And I usually do interact and talk with people at those places -- or not. I don't know if that's weird or odd or abnormal, but it's me and I don't mind. 

Mostly I don't mind being with people for short periods of time. I generally won't be the one to initiate an outing, but I usually enjoy meeting for a drink or a meal and some good conversation. A one-on-one, or a few people is way better than a crowd. Although people often tell me that I am good with people and make them feel comfortable, I don't know if I really do. I know it's work to make others feel comfortable and safe. It's a good thing if I succeed. It's also one of those things that you might never really know.

just some weird things in my head these days.


1 comment:

Mike said...

"If you are telling a story of something that happened at work that involves -- say, Sally -- I don't need to know that Sally went to such-and-such high school, has three kids, drives an EV, and really needs to do something with her hairstyle unless that is relevant to the story -- which is unlikely.
Tell me the effing story without the unnecessary details."


You are your own version of normal and transitioning to another version of your normal.