Tuesday, April 11, 2023


It is weird having to get prepared for a weekly class/small group, but here I am again. 
This is week 3 of Reading the Bible as a Storybook. 
I'm honestly not sure how it's going. Week 1 was well attended. Week 2 was about half that (I understand this isn't unusual). I guess we'll see how tonight goes.

Week 1 was just a basic introduction to the class to lay out what to expect. I did have a little time at the end and gave a short story summary of the short story of Ruth from the Old Testament.

Week 2 was some non-Bible sourced information on Abraham and the story of the blood covenant found in Genesis 15.

Tonight we will stay in Genesis and look at Abraham's grandson, Jacob (Israel) and his dysfunctional family that becomes the nation of Israel. It will be interesting to see if we can name all 12 sons of Jacob. I think everyone can get Judah and Joseph, but wonder about Naphtali, Gad, Issacar, and Zebulun.
What about the daughter's name?
And why does the coveted birthright fall from the oldest son down to the fourth born son? 
The Bible has some crazy stories. Maybe this one is here to give hope to anyone with a truly messed up family.

There really is some messed up stuff in this book. You should read it sometime.


1 comment:

Mike said...

Would it be a hoot to name your kid Gad today? The kid would walk into the room and you would greet him/her, GAD!