Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Morning Thoughts from the Deck

You may have noticed that I haven't written for quite some time. I'm still here. I just haven't felt the need to write anything lately.

I think we are through with our stretch of hot, dry weather for a while. We've managed to get a little rain here in the past week and I mowed the yard for the first time in over a month. I made a perimeter run of the field and decided that it can wait another week or so before I mow it.
I kind of gave up on the regular watering of the garden and it shows in the burnt up vegetation. It's about the right time for a fall garden. I may do that. I may not.

I put out a couple of hummingbird feeders and have been enjoying watching the little hummers. They are pretty entertaining. 
My new seed feeders aren't getting much attention, though. 

Tending to the flowers, feeding and watching the birds, and just sitting on the deck is a pretty good life. 
Recognizing that I don't need to add to the noise of the world by sharing everything that pops into my head is also nice. 

Out of My Hat is a little over 16 years old. Although I don't plan to shut it down, I do think I'll be spending less time writing unless I can find a way to use the interwebs to bring people together. There seems to be so much bullshit here these days and I'm tired of having to sift through it. I imagine you are, too.
I'm also going to be posting a little less on other social media outlets and really trying to spend less time scrolling through them. I am finding it to be mildly entertaining, but mostly a little depressing at how poorly informed and increasingly judgmental we have become.

I am amazed at how much attention some people seek with their Tik Tok and IG reels and stories. And I am amused by the wisdom of the 25-30 year olds that have all of life figured out and can point out how to live life to the fullest. As one meme put it: "Oh to have the confidence of a 25 year old life coach!"
I suppose I was just as cocky and arrogant at that age. Maybe every generation has to learn life's lessons for themselves. 
At 25, I thought I knew everything. 
At 62, I'm amazed at how much I was wrong about and how much there is to learn.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The older I get the more I find I was wrong about so many things I was sure about ha. Now I know being nice us better than being knowing !