Sunday, August 28, 2022

It's a Work Week---sort of...

When I retired (now 7+ years ago) one of my older cousins warned me that there are no days off in retirement. Well this week will be a little bit of a work week, but not really.

I get to preach again this morning at Sparta Christian Church, it is my week of rotation as volunteer chaplain at  Mercy Hospital in Aurora, and I will serve as the minister at the interment of an old friend's ashes at the Missouri Veterans' Cemetery on Friday.

I do feel better about preaching today than I did last week. Hopefully I'll find my rhythm this morning and be a bit like my old self. Currently, I'm watching and listening to the chatter of hummingbirds at their feeder while enjoying my morning coffee, reviewing my notes, and now typing out a short post. 
Asking about favorite Bible stories in my last post didn't generate any comments. I hope that part goes better at church this morning!

Have a great week.
Say a prayer for the retired guy that's taking time off from being retired this week, if you don't mind.


1 comment:

Mike said...

Just remember, no one can fire you anymore.