Friday, February 11, 2022

Time to Re-Charge

Tuesday night dinner with our small group, then a couple of hours volunteering at the shelter.
Wednesday afternoon/evening/night spent with a couple of friends.
Thursday night barchurch.

All were enjoyable times and I'm glad we were there, but...
Holy smokes! That's a lot of time with other people!
With the nice weather we've had for the past couple of days I have managed some time to enjoy a couple of cigars on the deck and have most certainly had my quiet times. It's a good thing, too. I sort of envy people that get a charge from being around other people. I don't understand it because spending so much time with others tends to suck the life right out of me.
Maybe that's why I enjoyed working the midshift so much when I was still working. It allowed me to go to work and not be around anybody. It was like bonus recharging time.

I think my outside people exposure is over for the coming days, so I should be able to recover to being my normal leave me alone guy instead of the LEAVE ME ALONE guy that I am fast becoming.

How do you recharge?
Times like this (right now) are good for me -- laptop, coffee, fireplace.
Deck, book, cigar also works.

Times with people can be more or less energy draining depending on the people and the length of exposure. Some events can be pretty energy neutral. Being with some people is almost like sharing energies and that's okay. Some people have an abundance of energy and give it freely. Others are energy hoarders and will suck up everybody's energy that comes near them. 
I suppose we all fall somewhere on the scale of energy takers and givers. As with most things -- I think balance is the key.


1 comment:

Mike said...

"LEAVE ME ALONE guy that I am fast becoming"
Keeping kids off your lawn can be a full-time job.