Monday, February 07, 2022

Random Thoughts on Monday Morning

I haven't been very motivated to write lately, at least not motivated enough to organize my thoughts into anything for a blog post. Maybe somebody else could post something for Monday Motivation to help me get out of this writing funk.
Real writers say to write anyway, even if you don't feel like it. Today I'm just throwing out a few random things that I've thought I might write about.

Wordle, Nerdle, and self competition.

According to the game, if you solve the word or puzzle in six tries or fewer -- you win!
So why do we think we haven't done well if it takes us five or six tries? That's a win!
Why do we feel less excited for our win if someone else solved it in fewer tries? Shouldn't we celebrate both wins?
It's weird.


I've said that I've become a non-productive member of society. Someone commented that I stay pretty busy with volunteering and church, etc. I really don't. While I do enjoy going to barchurch on Thursdays and church on Sundays, we really haven't gone for in person church very often over the past year or so. My volunteer stuff is generally only one or two days per week and it really isn't that much. Most of my time is spend in solitude. That works for me. It just doesn't do much for society.
Or maybe it is best for society if I keep to myself more!

So what do other people do to be productive members of society? Obviously, our jobs or businesses fill a need in our society. I can't imagine that somebody would pay us for something that wasn't needed or wanted.
What is your daily or regular contribution to society? How are you making a difference?
Consider this a rhetorical question -- sort of. I really would like an answer, but I think it's more important that we each examine that question for ourselves. 
Can I call this thought inspiring question my contribution for the betterment of society for today?


Have I mentioned I'm not a fan?
I'm trying to be more positive about it and recognize that the season seems to work nature's cycles. I should probably find ways to adapt to the season, as well. Sometimes enduring the season seems like it should be enough, but there isn't much joy in simply enduring. It's kind of like solving Wordle on the sixth and final try -- more like relief than actual joy.
I need to work on that.

Monday Motivation

What have you got for me?
Wait...this is Monday, right?



Mike said...

Nice start to the post. Except mine would say, I haven't been very motivated ... lately.

John A Hill said...

You must have an appointment today--a comment at 10am!
I was pretty surprised.